
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Make few drops fall on body and get wonderful health

Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

Massage can also be done with good quality of medicine oil and for this different kinds of oil can be made by own at home. For example in condition of intense cold, and getting wet in rain etc and for paining feet, thighs and knees the garlic oil proves to be very beneficial.

After every hard work the stress increases the body gets victim of heaviness and pain. This feeling can come in every season, but in winters, this feeling surrounds some more. One excellent idea to get riddance from this feeling is this also that work with massage would be taken. You can do this massage yourself also or it can be done by someone else too. This is not important that it shall be done with the expert of massage. Yes, but this is important that this should be human massage. The way of moving like horses shall not be adopted. It’s not important that the clothes shall be taken off for it, but with trouser and shirt also the massage can be done. Actually it’s all, the wonder of touch of hands. It is called as dry massage. Massage can also be done with good quality of medicine oil and for this different kinds of oil can be made by own at home. For example in condition of intense cold, and getting wet in rain etc and for paining feet, thighs and knees the garlic oil proves to be very beneficial. With 10 minutes of massage, the paralyzed and useless hands and feet become normal. It can also be made with different other things apart from garlic. The basic need for it is of oil, which can be of different kinds for example almond oil, olive oil, oil of til, sunflower oil, soya bean, sesame, coconut and sweet sesame (canola) oil. In the preparation of oil, you can work with the plants and trees in khana bagh, apart from the things present in your kitchen. The skin of fruits, petals of flower and different sort of spices are also proved as very useful thing. You can also mix different things and prepare mixed oil. For example by mixing the skin of lemon with cloves, you can also make one energetic oil. The procedure of preparation of these three is very easy but some time is required for it. The oil of which ever thing has to be prepared, for it take one neat and clean bottle and fill it with the discussed any oil till 3/4th and now add the thing of which the oil has to be made, by crushing, grinding or mashing. Close this bottle tightly and keep it on some dark and warm place for 15 days. Now use this oil after staining.

The oil of cinnamon:

Cinnamon is being used from centuries for the nutritional and medical reasons. It has one antiseptic part, eugeno in it. This oil is beneficial for pains of thighs and irritation but by massaging it on back, spine, thighs and feet, the blood pressure increases and can remove the special weakness and in your favorite oil, add the best quality of cinnamon by breaking and use it after 15 days. For special massage, cloves and nutmeg and mace can also be added in it after crushing.

The oil of mint:

Ancient Syrians, doctors of Arab and Hind, used to use the cold effect of mint in various ways. Buqrat used to suggest mint for urinating. When the body is very tired, by doing the massage with mint oil, body becomes fresh. By rubbing this oil on forehead and chest, benefit attained in flu and winters. That’s why it’s necessarily added in almond. By trimming the fresh petals of mint, the oil should be prepared according to the procedure. For making it more effective and fragrant, more mint shall be used. Work with dry mint can also be taken. The oil can also be prepared with the leaves of tulsi. By adding it with mint, this oil becomes more effective. By doing it luke warm treatment of ear pain can also be done.

The oil of orange and lemon:

According to ancient medical books, Germans were very familiar with the healing qualities of citrus fruits. That’s why they used to say “Madica” to lemon. Add the skin of lemon by trimming it finely, in the coconut oil. If you want, you can add lemon (fruit) along with skin. Using it after 15 days, after staining by doing massage of its few drops on forehead, instead head, the mind becomes fresh. In one bottle, one or two lemons are enough. One way is this also that the oil shall be prepared by mixing both lemons and oranges or their separate oils shall be prepared. 

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